Tuesday 30 April 2013

May 2013 Update

CanAssist App Promotes Independence

After suffering a brain injury a few years ago, Jordan Pimentel has found it difficult to focus on the steps required to complete many of the tasks of daily life. Earlier this year, the young man began using a software app developed by CanAssist at the University of Victoria called CanPlan which enables users to break down any task into a sequence of easy-to-follow steps. The free version of CanPlan supports up to three tasks, while the full version ($44.99) supports an unlimited number. The app operates on Apple’s iPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices. See: http://communications.uvic.ca/releases/tip.php?date=23042013#1462


Four Exhibits In One

This year’s annual Masters of Fine Art Graduate Exhibition is actually four solo shows in one. Contemporary artists Hilary Knutson, Chris Lindsay, Yang Liu and Paola Savasta represent the latest talent emerging from the University of Victoria’s Department of Visual Arts. The exhibit runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, May 3 through to May 11 (open weekends 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.) in the Visual Arts Building at UVic. Admission is free and everyone is welcome.  http://finearts.uvic.ca/visualarts/


2013 UVic Plant Sale

It’s the time of year when the McKinnon Gym transforms from a basketball mecca to a giant gardening centre. Volunteers are gearing up for the annual UVic Plant Sale organized by the Friends of Finnerty Gardens. Sunday, May 5 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m at the McKinnon Gym, UVic. http://www.uvic.ca/finnerty/assets/docs/PlantSale2013.pdf

Astronomy Open House

Don't miss the stars! Come to the Astronomy Open House every Wednesday from 9pm - 10pm (May to August). Bob Wright Centre Building- 5th floor. Free and open to the public. More information at 250-721-7700.

Welcome High School Recognition Ceremonies.

Congratulations and best wishes to all of the high school students who will be celebrating their Recognition Ceremonies and Graduations at the UVic Farquhar Auditorium in May and June.

Congress of the Humanities- Big Thinking Speakers

The Big Thinking lecture series provides an opportunity for prominent public intellectuals to present their ideas. All sessions are open and free to the public as part of UVic’s 50th Anniversary and the generous of Congress sponsors. Starts June 1st. See http://uviccongress2013.ca/program/speakers/

For a calendar of more free community events see http://events.uvic.ca/

Monday 29 April 2013

Welcoming Remarks to the UVic Retirees Association Volunteer Recognition Lunch

Welcoming Remarks to the UVic Retirees Association Volunteer Recognition Lunch

Grant Hughes, Director of Community Relations, University of Victoria

April 23, 2013


Thank you very much for inviting me to bring to you today the appreciation of UVic for all that the UVRA does- especially during National Volunteer Week.

As one of the initiatives of the previous UVic Strategic Plan it was identified that the UVRA should have a named point of contact with UVic. As the position description was created for the job that I applied for, and was selected for, the role of UVic Liaison to the UVRA was established.

During the time that I have served as the UVic Liaison to the UVRA it has been my pleasure to learn about the range of the work that your members do to support the university. So, my thanks to you for developing Masterminds 2013- I am excited to see the largest turnouts ever for these important lectures. I am also pleased to have been able to get to know many of you as UVic helped to sponsor the CURAC Conference and appreciate your ongoing support for the UVic United Way campaigns, amongst many other activities in the faculties and units across campus. I also recognize the role of the entire UVRA team that is supportive of the planning of an Elder Academy.

To further document my support for you- I have joined as a UVRA member, since I am chronologically qualified although not retired.

As you will know, UVic has specifically recognized and affirmed our retirees once again in the new UVic Strategic Plan. It is clear that UVic retirees are a valuable resource who contribute greatly to the UVic mission.

I completely understand that you are a volunteer based organization and so it is extremely important to recognize all of the work of volunteers. In fact, 13.3 million Canadians contribute 2.1 billion hours, the equivalent of 1.1 million full-time jobs on an annual basis as volunteers in our nation. Volunteers typically contribute 156 hours per year, with many in the UVRA likely contributing more than the average.

This includes some of the activities that I mentioned earlier, but also volunteering at the office, serving on the committees, taking on specific tasks, sending out information, making sure UVRA finances are in order, compiling and distributing the newsletter, serving on the Speakers Bureau, hosting the CURAC Conference and leading interviews for the UVRA 50th Anniversary Project.
     So, on behalf of the University of Victoria, I would like to thank you for all that you do, and acknowledge your voluntary contributions - especially during this National Volunteer Week.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

UVic Plant Sale- Sunday, May 5 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.)

Bonanza for Green Thumbs

It’s the time of year when UVic’s McKinnon Gym transforms from a basketball mecca to a giant gardening centre. Volunteers are gearing up for the annual UVic Plant Sale. The usual wall-to-wall selection will be enhanced this year with deer-resistant plants and even more plants propagated from UVic’s renowned Finnerty Gardens. The sale, organized by the Friends of Finnerty Gardens, generates funds to support ongoing enhancements of Finnerty Gardens and its vast collection of rare rhododendrons and countless other varieties of plants, trees and shrubs.

What: 2013 UVic Plant Sale

When: Sunday, May 5 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where: McKinnon Gym, UVic

Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Shoppers are advised to arrive early for best selection and to bring their own packing boxes for the trip home.

UVic is accessible by sustainable travel options including transit and cycling.

Parking info and campus maps: www.uvic.ca/maps.


Monday 8 April 2013

April 2013 Update

UVIC RETIREES PRESENT MASTERMINDS 2013: University of Victoria professors continue to be generous about sharing their knowledge and expertise even after they retire. The UVic Retirees Association and the Centre on Aging—with support from the university—present a series of four free lectures as part of Masterminds 2013 in April and May at 7 p.m. in UVic’s Harry Hickman Building, room 105.  The lectures are:

  • April 10 – Probiotics for Better Health: Time to Switch Gears 
  • April 17 – Gearing Up For High Performance: The Athlete’s Quest
  • April 24 – Using Chemistry to Enhance Our Bodies: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • May 1 – An Unusual Job for a Lady: The Intriguing Role of an Orator


EXHIBIT OF LUMINARY LIMNER ONLY ONLINE: Andy Warhol called him the “master of instant retrospectives.” Now anyone can view the works of Karl Spreitz, as part of a new virtual exhibition launched at http://uvac.uvic.ca/gallery/spreitz/. The collection covers more than three decades and consists of over 100 reels of 16 mm film. It includes everything from a scene of Limner artist Myfanwy Pavelic talking to her friend Katherine Hepburn on the phone to the totems at Skunggwai (Anthony Island) in Haida Gwaii.


RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS AND KNOWLEDGE MOBILIZATION : On April 2, the University of Victoria officially launched its new Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization (RPKM) unit. Led by director Brent Sternig, formerly of UVic Industry Partnerships (UVic IP), RPKM is a single coordinated research support unit -- in effect, a "one-stop shop" -- for brokering collaborative research opportunities and partnerships. UVic has integrated its existing research partnership offices -- UVic IP, Knowledge Mobilization (KM) and Office of Community-Based Research (OCBR) -- into this new unit. See www.uvic.ca/rpkm for more details.

ONLINE MUSEUM OFFERS VIEW INTO CHINATOWN: A new online resource offering visual insight into the lives of Chinese Canadians in Victoria and on the west coast launched April 4. “Victoria’s Chinatown: Gateway to the Past and Present of Chinese Canadians” http://chinatown.library.uvic.ca) provides visitors with access to hundreds of digital images illustrating Chinese experiences in Victoria and Pacific Canada. It includes historic photos and documents relating to Chinatown’s landscape changes, heritage buildings, community associations, numerous historic figures, the Chinatown Newsletter since 1993, and paintings of Chinatown by Victoria artist Robert Amos.


For a calendar of more free community events see http://events.uvic.ca/

Friday 5 April 2013

Opportunity to Support the Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island

Friends of Children's Health Foundation
can use an
exclusive promotion code to receive $30 off tickets to the opening night of Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST at the Royal Theatre.

Each Ticket Sold Helps Kids

See the link below for more information...
